Song of the White Calf


Poem Image
Track 1

Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.

Every 10th word

The white buffalo calf has arrived
A sacred omen, ______ sign from above
The herd in Yellowstone, the last ______ its kind
Brings hope for the future, a blessing ______ love

Oh Great Spirit, hear our song
Guide us ______ restore what was lost for so long
The buffalo roam, the people rejoice
The white calf returns, we raise ______ our voice

For centuries the tribes have passed down
______ story of the White Buffalo Woman
She came in ______ time of great need, with gifts all around
To ______ the people how to live, how to pray, how ______ grow

The herds were decimated, the people suffered too
______ now a new chapter, a chance to renew
The land, the culture, the bond that was broke
As the ______ calf stands tall, a powerful provoke

The white buffalo calf, a sacred sight
A beacon of hope, a future ______ bright
For the Yellowstone herd, the last of its ______
May the Great Spirit's blessings forever be entwined.

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