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About V2Melody: A Passion for Poetry and Music

Melody Maestro & Sound Sculptor | Wrinkled Ripe Website Wrangler

Welcome to V2Melody, where the timeless beauty of classic poetry meets the innovative power of music and technology. As a retired English teacher with over six decades of passion for words and melodies, I've embarked on a journey to breathe new life into beloved verses through musical interpretation.

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
- Dylan Thomas

Why I Create Musical Poetry

I could have kept these beautiful creations on my computer, enjoying them in the privacy of my own home. Instead, I decided not to "hide my light under a bushel." As John Donne reminds us, "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." In this spirit of connection, I realized that if I loved these musical interpretations, then others who share my sensibilities and love of poetry and music should also have the opportunity to experience them. That's when I decided to build V2Melody.com - a sanctuary where words and melodies intertwine.

A Personal Passion Project Meets Unexpected Growth

This website started as a personal passion project, keeping my mind active in my final years and deepening my understanding of classic poetry through music. However, as V2Melody grew in popularity, I faced a new challenge: surging data costs that threatened to overwhelm my retirement budget. Reluctantly, I had to introduce a subscription model to keep this dream alive.

Our new model offers a free membership with limited access to a selection of poems each month, and a paid subscription for full access to our entire library. This approach allows me to continue sharing these beautiful creations while covering the necessary expenses. I hope you understand that this decision was not made lightly, but was forced upon me by the site's unexpected success and the realities of hosting costs.

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
- John Keats

Time Well Spent

As for my time, what I have left as I inch towards "the Gate / That shuts on all flesh soon or late" could be spent golfing, gardening, or watching daytime TV. Instead, I choose to do this and give something beautiful and unprecedented to the world. I've always loved to create, and new technology makes it possible to create in ways that have hitherto been impossible. It means that I will not "go gentle into that good night" but will continue to burn and rave at close of day.

What sets V2Melody apart is that it's entirely a one-man show. Unable to afford a developer, I took on the challenge of building the website from the ground up. I've taught myself PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript, proving that even us "old dogs" can indeed learn new tricks when passion drives us. The DIY approach has its advantages. There's no waiting on others to implement new features - I can introduce them as soon as the idea strikes.

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace."
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Join Me on This Journey

I invite you, the reader, to join me on my journey as I explore the vast landscape of classic English poetry. Whether you choose the free or paid membership, you'll have access to a world where poetry and music converge to create something truly magical. Your support through subscriptions not only helps keep V2Melody alive but also allows me to continue this labor of love, bringing more poems to life through music.

As Robert Frost once wrote, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference." Join me on this less-traveled road, where we can experience timeless works in a new light, deepening our collective understanding and appreciation.

In addition to my work with classic poetry, I'm excited to share that I also create and post my own original songs on V2Melody. These compositions are inspired by my lifelong love of poetry and music, and I hope they'll resonate with you as much as they do with me.

There is no social media frenzy here at V2Melody. There are no like buttons to click, nobody to follow, no comments asked of you. There are no adverts to distract you, either. It's just a quiet place away from the noise of the Internet where you can while away the hours enjoying the timeless beauty of verse and melody. After all, "What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?"

Remember, poetry is not just meant to be read - it's meant to be experienced. At V2Melody, I'm making that experience richer, more immersive, and more accessible than ever before. Thank you for your understanding and support as we transition to this new model, ensuring that the music of poetry continues to play for years to come.

Melody Maestro & Sound Sculptor