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Create a Playlist from Everything

Use this page to create playlists of your favourite poems and original compositions. Use the search box to find things quickly. Save your playlist to make sure you can use it again, share it with friends, family, and students, or make it into a public playlist to share with the V2Melody community.

You have selected 0 tracks and can select 10 more.

You are not a member but can enjoy 30-second previews (80kbps) of our 5 newest additions. Sign up for Free Membership to enjoy full streaming access to a new poem every day (up to 320kbps) and 30-second previews (80kbps) of everything else.

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Playlist Tracks

Drag your selection to reorder. Press the Play Selected Tracks button. Enjoy!

    Playlist Administration

    Use the buttons below to do things with playlists. When you save your playlist you will get two playlist codes, a Playlist Code and a Lock Code. Keep them safe! You need them to load, share, and edit your playlist.

    Once you have your codes, click the Share Button below, give it a title, a message or instructions for your students or a message to your friends, and then share it to the world.

    Only share the shorter playlist code. Never share the longer Lock Code with anyone. It is your secret key to your playlist.