
Alfred Austin

1835 to 1913

Poem Image
Track 1

Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.

Every 10th word

She wanders in the April woods,
That glisten with ______ fallen shower;
She leans her face against the buds,
______ stops, she stoops, she plucks a flower.
She feels ______ ferment of the hour:
She broodeth when the ringdove broods;
The sun and flying clouds have power
Upon her ______ and changing moods.
She cannot think she is alone,
______ over her senses warmly steal
Floods of unrest she ______ to own
And almost dreads to feel.

Among the ______ woodlands wide
Anew she roams, no more alone;
The ______ she feared is at her side,
Spring's blushing secret ______ is known.
The primrose and its mates have flown,
______ thrush's ringing note hath died;
But glancing eye and ______ tone
Fall on her from her god, her guide.
______ knows not, asks not, what the goal,
She only ______ she moves towards bliss,
And yields her pure unquestioning ______
To touch and fondling kiss.

And still she haunts ______ woodland ways,
Though all fond fancy finds there now
______ mind of spring or summer days,
Are sodden trunk ______ songless bough.
The past sits widowed on her brow,
______ she wends with wintry gaze,
To walls that house ______ hollow vow,
To hearth where love hath ceased to blaze;
Watches the clammy twilight wane,
With grief too fixed ______ woe or tear;
And, with her forehead 'gainst the pane,
Envies the dying year.

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