Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.
Go, lovely rose!
Tell her that wastes her time ______ me,
That now she knows,
When I resemble her ______ thee,
How sweet and fair she seems to be.
______ her that’s young,
And shuns to have her graces spied,
That hadst thou sprung
In deserts, where no men abide,
Thou must have uncommended died.
Small is the worth
______ beauty from the light retired;
Bid her come forth,
______ herself to be desired,
And not blush so to ______ admired.
Then die! that she
The common fate of ______ things rare
May read in thee;
How small a ______ of time they share
That are so wondrous sweet ______ fair!