The Charge Of The Light Brigade


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Reconstruct the poem by dragging each line into its correct position. Your goal is to reassemble the original poem as accurately as possible. As you move the lines, you'll see whether your arrangement is correct, helping you explore the poem's flow and meaning. Take your time, enjoy the process, and discover how the poet's words come together to create something truly beautiful.

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They fought through the fire, though so many bereft,
In the annals of history, their names shining bright.
They answered the call, to battle once more.
Born of the cavalry, the finest and bold,
Yet onward they charged, on that blood-soaked ground.
With swords and with glory, they rode into fate,
Few returned homeward, but honour they gained,
Broken but unbowed, through the heart of the fight,
Honour the charge, remember the day,
The Light Brigade's charge, a testament to,
In the aftermath's shadow, with echoes of pain,
Six hundred brave souls, they marched evermore,
Boldly they rode, into the mouth of hell,
When six hundred heroes showed us the way,
Cannon to the right, cannon to the left,
Half a league, half a league, onward they rode,
The brave and the fallen, the fearless and true.
Their legend immortal, in the eternal light.ght.
With sabres drawn high, their spirits ablaze,
A story of valour, we'll forever tell.
From Britain's green fields, to Crimea's dread shore,
With thunder and fury, the cannons did sound,
Oh, Charge of the Light Brigade, in the face of the fray,
Valiant hearts, undeterred, led the way,
Into the jaws of death, they surged to obey,
Men of the Light Brigade, with stories untold,
In the valley of death, where the cannons roar,
The Charge of the Light Brigade, forever great.
Forward, the order, no time for delay,
Riding into the fire, through the smoke and the haze.
Into the valley, where bravery flowed,
With courage unyielding, they stormed through the night,