Proud Maisie

Sir Walter Scott

1771 to 1832

Poem Image
Track 1

Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.

Every 10th word

Proud Maisie is in the wood,
Walking so early;
______ Robin sits on the bush,
Singing so rarely.

"Tell me, thou bonny bird,
When shall I marry me?"—
"When six braw gentlemen
Kirkward shall carry ye."

"Who ______ the bridal bed,
Birdie, say truly?"—
"The gray-headed ______
That delves the grave duly.

"The glowworm o'er grave ______ stone
Shall light thee steady;
The owl from the ______ sing,
'Welcome, proud lady.'"

Sweet and makes sexton steeple