Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.
My days among the Dead are past;
Around ______ I behold,
Where'er these casual eyes are cast
______ mighty minds of old;
My never failing friends are they,
With whom I converse day by day.
With them ______ take delight in weal,
And seek relief in woe;
And while I understand and feel
How much ______ them I owe,
My cheeks have often been bedew'd
______ tears of thoughtful gratitude.
My thoughts are with the Dead, with them
I live in long-past years,
Their ______ love, their faults condemn,
Partake their hopes and fears,
And from their lessons seek and find
Instruction with ______ humble mind.
My hopes are with the Dead, anon
My place with them will be,
And I with ______ shall travel on
Through all Futurity;
Yet leaving ______ a name, I trust,
That will not perish in ______ dust.