Face Time


Poem Image
Track 1

Reconstruct the poem by dragging each line into its correct position. Your goal is to reassemble the original poem as accurately as possible. As you move the lines, you'll see whether your arrangement is correct, helping you explore the poem's flow and meaning. Take your time, enjoy the process, and discover how the poet's words come together to create something truly beautiful.

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Over a day and a half, the story's been told.
Numbers so big, they're hard to grasp,
A thousand photos, one by one,
From thousands to millions, to billions and more,
That's over 11 and a half years, the time it would need.
A billion faces, one by one,
Ten million people, that's a lot to see,
Comprehending their size, our minds can't quite sound.
To see them all one by one, it would take over 250 years, so they say.
The sheer size of these numbers, so immense and so grand.
Big numbers, big numbers, so hard to comprehend.
The scale of these numbers is truly profound,
Ten thousand faces, one by one, 
A million, ten million, a billion round the bend.
The magnitude of these numbers is truly profound,
Comprehending their scale, our minds can't quite sound.
That's 11 and a half days, the viewing's been done.
A million faces, all looked at one by one,
Over 8 billion people in the world today,
The scale of their size, we can barely clasp.
Just over 16 minutes, they'd all be done.
That's over 2 and a half hours, all said and done.
The magnitude boggles the mind, like never before.
Over 31 and a half years, the viewing's been done.
Over a year and a quarter, the viewing would be.
The scale is so vast, it's hard to understand,
A hundred million, almost more than believed,
A hundred thousand, that's a sight to behold,