The Wife of Bath's Tale


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Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.

Every 10th word

In a town not far from here,
Lived a dame, Alisoun so dear,
Five husbands she had, oh my,
______ one brought her joy, oh why?

Oh, Alisoun, with ______ so grand,
Five husbands by your command,
Tales you ______ of love and life,
With laughter and a bit ______ strife!

Once upon a time, they say,
Alisoun met ______ knight one day,
For his crime, he must repent,
______ learning what women want, so spent.

Through woods and fields, they went around,
Seeking truth that must be found,
______ desire sovereignty,
Over their husbands, oh so free.

The ______ found a hag, so wise,
Offered her the knight’s prize,
She asked for marriage, bold and true,
The knight, dismayed, what could he do?

They wed, though the knight ______ scared,
But soon the hag’s wisdom bared,
To his surprise, she turned fair,
Beauty found in love and care.

______ here’s to Alisoun, so wise,
With laughter in her ______ eyes,
Five husbands taught her well, you see,
In ______ and life and revelry!

Raise a toast to Alisoun,
______ her tales, we all have fun,
In Chaucer’s words, ______ find delight,
The Wife of Bath, a shining light!

By Each So With Women a bright knight love of tell was we wit