Samson and Delilah


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Drag the words to the correct places to complete the poem. To reset the game, click on the "Reset Game" button located below the poem. This will clear all the words you've placed in the blanks, returning them to the word bank and resetting the poem to its original state with empty blanks. If you prefer to type words into the gaps, click the Type In button below.

Every 10th word

Hear the tale of Samson, a man of strength untold,
Born by a barren woman, a blessing to behold.
______ by the heavens, with power in his hands,
A ______ of Israel's people, protector of the lands.

His locks, ______ raven rivers, held a magic all their own,
A Nazarite, a holy vow, his strength from God alone.
He ______ through Philistine ranks, a whirlwind in the fight,
A ______ of freedom, a beacon burning bright.

But Samson, with ______ power, felt a yearning in his soul,
For love, ______ gentle whispers, to make him feel whole.
He ventured ______ Timnah, a Philistine town,
Where Delilah, with beauty, his ______ spun around.

Her eyes, like pools of moonlight, held ______ secret, dark and deep,
For she was sent by enemies, his slumbering strength to reap.
With honeyed words and cunning, she teased him day by day,
"Tell me," she'd plead, "the source, your power, where does it stay?"

Three times he lied, with riddles and with scorn,
______ Delilah, relentless, chipped away like a rising morn.
She ______ and she flattered, played upon his pride,
Until, with ______ groan of weakness, his secret he did confide.

"My hair," he whispered, broken, "a vow I hold so dear,
Cut it, and my strength shall vanish, leaving nothing here."
Delilah, triumphant, called upon her kin,
While Samson, unsuspecting, slept within.

The shears they snipped and severed, those ______ locks of might,
His power drained like water, fading ______ the night.
Philistines rushed upon him, their vengeance burning strong,
Blinded and betrayed, his freedom turned to wrong.

They ______ him, chained him tightly, a spectacle of shame,
The ______ judge of Israel, a prisoner, but not tamed.
His spirit, though diminished, yearned for a final stand,
To bring ______ temple crashing down upon that Philistine land.

With muscles straining, twisting, a prayer upon his lips,
He pushed the ______ outward, with strength from fingertips.
The temple walls came ______ down, a death knell loud and clear,
Samson and ______ tormentors, buried beneath the fear.

Though love became his downfall, a lesson etched in stone,
His sacrifice remembered, a ______ never known.
A tale of strength and weakness, of ______ and bitter plight,
The legend of Samson, forever in ______ light.

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