Upon the gallows hung a wretch,
Too sullied for the hell
To which the law entitled him.
As nature's curtain fell
The one who bore him tottered in,
For this was woman's son.
''T was all I had,' she stricken gasped;
Oh, what a livid boon!
We are busy working to bring Emily Dickinson's "Upon the gallows hung a wretch" to life through our unique musical arrangements and will have a full analysis of the poem here for you soon.
At V2Melody, each arrangement is crafted with care through a thoughtful partnership of human artistry and technological innovation. This process involves:
This creative journey takes time—each composition represents hours of dedicated work to create something that deepens our connection to Emily Dickinson's words in meaningful ways.
While you wait for our complete interpretation, we invite you to explore other musical arrangements in our gallery or learn more about Emily Dickinson's life and contributions to literature.
Check back soon to experience how "Upon the gallows hung a wretch" transforms when verse meets melody—a unique journey that makes poetry accessible, engaging, and profoundly moving in new ways.